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Question of the day

Crafting Perfect Prompts for Themed Event Images: A Guide for Creatives

Yesterday, on April 22, we celebrated the Day of the Planet Earth, and on these occasions, you spend hours hectically looking for a great image to share on your SM. But here is a better way to prepare for all of the upcoming events with great visuals - use AI.

In the realm of digital art creation, the ability to craft a precise and inspiring prompt is as essential as the artist’s palette was to the painters of old. Whether you’re designing for personal projects or professional assignments, the prompt is your foundational tool. Here we will guide you on how to prepare effective prompts for image creation focused on different thematic events. We’ll also explore some popular events and provide sample prompts for each.

1. Understanding the Essentials of a Good Prompt

A good prompt should be clear, detailed, and evoke imagery. It needs to balance specificity with creative freedom, allowing the artist or AI to bring the concept to life vividly and accurately. Key components include:

  • Theme: Clearly state the event or occasion.

  • Main Elements: Describe the main elements you want in the image.

  • Mood and Tone: Convey the mood or atmosphere.

  • Color Scheme: Suggest colors if they are important to the theme.

  • Additional Details: Include any specific details that can enhance the authenticity or relevance of the image.

Image created by our International Women's Day (March 8th) prompt

2. Examples of Themed Days and Sample Prompts

  • Earth Day (April 22)

    • Prompt: "Create a vibrant scene celebrating Earth Day, showcasing a diverse array of animals like elephants and butterflies in a lush, green forest. Include children planting trees under a clear blue sky, symbolizing hope and renewal."

  • International Women's Day (March 8)

    • Prompt: "Illustrate a powerful image for International Women's Day featuring a diverse group of women from various professions—scientists, artists, and leaders—standing together on a mountaintop, with a sunrise in the background symbolizing progress and new beginnings."

  • World Oceans Day (June 8)

    • Prompt: "Depict a serene underwater scene for World Oceans Day with coral reefs, a school of colorful fish, and a dolphin in clear, blue water. The image should convey a message of tranquility and the urgent need to protect our oceans."

  • Halloween (October 31)

    • Prompt: "Design a whimsical Halloween night scene with children in costumes trick-or-treating in a friendly neighborhood. Include jack-o’-lanterns, a full moon, and a spooky but inviting haunted house in the background."

  • Christmas Day (December 25)

    • Prompt: "Create a cozy Christmas scene with a family opening gifts by a fireplace. The room should be decorated with a Christmas tree, stockings, and soft, warm lighting to evoke a feeling of warmth and joy."

Image created by our Halloween (October 31) prompt

3. Tips for Customizing Prompts

When crafting your prompt, consider the cultural and personal relevance of the event. If the image is for a specific audience or locale, include elements that resonate with those viewers. For instance, for a national holiday, you might incorporate national symbols or traditional activities.

4. Conclusion

Crafting an effective prompt requires a mix of creativity, clarity, and cultural sensitivity. By following these guidelines and using the sample prompts as inspiration, you can create detailed and evocative descriptions that result in stunning and relevant images for any event.

A simple tip a day, keeps the boss away!

Problem-Solving Techniques and Frameworks to help you become AI master

Do you have that one friend who keeps shi… on AI and how it gives bad results? And you are thinking, WTF, I use it as well, and I am amazed. Well, your friend is a “prompt idiot” (look it up). One of the principles of using AI is “rubbish in, rubbish out,” and if you do not want to be like your friend and look like an idiot, learn these advanced AI prompting skills.

1. TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving)

“Act like an Inventive Problem Solver. Utilize TRIZ principles to systematically solve problems related to [topic]. Identify contradictions and apply inventive principles to resolve them. Outline your steps and findings, explaining how the TRIZ methodology was applied.”

Overview: TRIZ, or the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, is a powerful methodology for creative problem-solving. It originated in Russia and has gained global recognition. Here’s how it works:

  1. Identify Contradictions: Begin by understanding the conflicting requirements or contradictions within the problem. For example, a product may need to be lightweight yet durable.

  2. Apply Inventive Principles: TRIZ provides a set of 40 inventive principles. These principles guide you toward innovative solutions. For instance, using “segmentation” to address the weight-durability contradiction.

  3. Document Your Process: Explain how you applied TRIZ principles, step by step. Showcase your creativity in resolving the problem.

2. Job-To-Be-Done Framework

“Act like a Customer Insight Specialist. Examine [topic] through the Job-To-Be-Done lens, exploring the underlying ‘jobs’ customers are ‘hiring’ the product or service to accomplish. Detail the customer needs, contexts, and pain points. Propose alignment strategies to meet these ‘jobs.’”

Overview: The Job-To-Be-Done (JTBD) framework focuses on understanding customer needs beyond product features. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Identify Customer Jobs: What tasks or goals are customers trying to achieve? Look beyond the obvious.

  2. Context Matters: Explore the context in which customers use your product. What situations trigger their need?

  3. Pain Points and Opportunities: Uncover pain points—where existing solutions fall short. Propose strategies to better align with customer jobs.

3. Ishikawa Diagram (Fishbone Diagram)

“Act like a Quality Improvement Specialist. Build an Ishikawa diagram to explore the causes of a problem related to [topic]. Break down each main branch into finer details, exploring root causes and relationships. Provide insights into potential solutions and preventive measures.”

Overview: The Ishikawa diagram helps identify root causes of problems. Here’s how to create one:

  1. Main Branches: Start with the problem (the “effect”). Branch out into categories like “people,” “process,” “equipment,” and more.

  2. Subcategories: Break down each main branch further. For example, under “process,” consider factors like “workflow” or “procedures.”

  3. Root Causes: Explore relationships between subcategories. Identify the underlying issues causing the problem.

4. Zwicky Box (Morphological Analysis)

“Act like a Complex Systems Analyst. Utilize a Zwicky Box to systematically explore all possible solutions for [topic]. Define dimensions, attributes, and interactions within the system. Explain how you developed the combinations and their relevance to [topic].”

Overview: The Zwicky Box encourages creativity by systematically combining different elements. Here’s how it works:

  1. Define Dimensions: Identify key dimensions related to [topic]. For instance, if designing a car, dimensions could include “engine type,” “materials,” and “shape.”

  2. Attributes and Combinations: List attributes within each dimension. Combine them in the Zwicky Box to generate novel ideas.

  3. Evaluate Relevance: Assess the feasibility and relevance of each combination. Some may lead to breakthrough solutions.

5. Affinity Diagram

“Act like an Organizational Psychologist. Organize ideas related to [topic] into an affinity diagram. Group concepts by natural relationships, providing explanations for each category. Analyze the groupings and how they provide a coherent understanding of [topic].”

Overview: Affinity diagrams help organize ideas and find patterns. Here’s how to create one:

  1. Brainstorm Ideas: Gather ideas related to [topic]. Write each idea on a sticky note.

  2. Group Similar Ideas: Arrange sticky notes into clusters based on natural relationships. Label each cluster.

  3. Insights and Understanding: Analyze the groupings. What insights emerge? How do they contribute to understanding [topic]?

CEO and founder section

How to create a simple web page or landing page with AI in seconds?

Very often, I see a great business opportunity, but I have to react in seconds. I need a web page asap and can not afford to spend more than 1h on this task. For this kind of case, you could try AI generating it! Here is how we would create it for a seasonal Halloween sale.

Creating a simple web page (landing page) for Halloween that showcases images and promotes sales of seasonal items involves several steps. Here's a basic outline of the HTML and CSS code you can use to get started, along with recommendations on where you can host the page easily.

HTML for Halloween Landing Page

Prompt we asked: “Create a simple web page (landing page) with images about Halloween and indicate where I can most easily host it. The content of the web page should be about Halloween and sales of seasonal Halloween items.


Here's a simple HTML structure for your Halloween-themed landing page:

Example code, can not be copied

CSS for Styling the Page

Here's some basic CSS to style your landing page in styles.css:

Example code, can not be copied

Hosting Options

For hosting your simple landing page, here are a few options that are easy to use and mostly free for basic needs:

  1. GitHub Pages: Great for static websites. You can host directly from your GitHub repository for free.

  2. Netlify: Offers a simple drag-and-drop interface for deploying static websites. It automatically updates your site whenever you push changes to your linked git repository.

  3. Vercel: Similar to Netlify, it’s excellent for static sites and supports continuous deployment from git repositories.

  4. Firebase Hosting: Provides fast and secure hosting for static and dynamic content. It also integrates well with other Firebase features if you need to scale up.

These platforms generally offer a straightforward setup process, and for simple static pages like a landing page, they can be ideal and cost-effective.

Calling for Your Feedback 🫱🏻‍🫲🏻

As the community grows and matures, we would love to be a place that really serves your best interests and is fun to be part of. That's why we are calling for your help. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with questions and themes you would like us to feature in the newsletter. Let's shape our platform and community together🙌🏻

Like Magic AI NFT 🏞️

Our master plan is to publish an NFT image in each newsletter and hand it out to our subscribers. The earlier you subscribe, the smaller the series are. It's a future collectible, a piece of digital art that captures the essence of this moment in time.

Thank you for being a valued subscriber. Together, let's embrace the magic of AI and creativity!


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