Is AI already able to write scientific articles? No, but it can help!

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Can AI recreate color to a black-and-white image?

Question from Anonymous on Reddit

Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming various sectors, from healthcare to entertainment. However, AI can also be used to revive some of the historical moments captured in old images. 😮😮

One of the frontrunners in making AI accessible and functional for diverse applications is DeepAI. This platform offers a suite of tools designed to enhance productivity, creativity, and efficiency. In this newsletter, we'll delve into its capability to colorize and enhance historical images.

What is DeepAI?

DeepAI is an innovative platform providing a variety of AI tools and APIs aimed at solving complex problems with simplicity and speed. It allows developers and non-developers alike to leverage AI for tasks such as text generation, image processing, and data analysis. With its user-friendly interface and robust backend, DeepAI is making advanced artificial intelligence more accessible to everyone.

General appearance of DeepAI is very clean and organised

Capabilities of DeepAI

DeepAI's extensive range of tools includes:

1. Text Generation: Create human-like text for articles, stories, and more using advanced natural language processing models.

2. Image Processing: Enhance, colorize, and transform images using state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms.

3. Machine Translation: Translate text between multiple languages with high accuracy.

4. Text Summarization: Generate concise summaries of lengthy documents, making information more digestible.

5. Face Recognition: Detect and analyze facial features in images for various applications, from security to user interaction.

These are just a few examples of how DeepAI can be employed across different industries. Now, let's focus on one particular feature: image enhancement and colorization.

Testing DeepAI's Image Enhancement Capabilities

One of the standout features of DeepAI is its ability to enhance and colorize black and white images. To put this to the test, we provided DeepAI with two black and white images to see how effectively it can bring them to life with color.

Image 1: A Vintage Portrait

We started with a vintage portrait, a perfect candidate to showcase DeepAI's colorization tool. The original image, a family portrait rich in historical context but devoid of color, was transformed by DeepAI into a vivid portrait.

Original low-resolution bw image of a family portrait

The tool added natural skin tones, clothing hues, and background colors, turning the monochrome photo into a vibrant, lifelike image. We also used the Enhance tool to increase resolution, and we were quite satisfied with the result. We tried the animate tool, but the result was just a blurring in-and-out effect that just looked weird. Maybe DeepAI should work on that more!

After the enhancements, the image was quite good.

Image 2: The Tasmanian Tiger

The second image was of an extinct species of Tasmanian tiger (Thylacine). DeepAI's colorization tool also worked its magic here, adding realistic colors to the car's body, tires, and surroundings.

Original image

The result was a very nice image that retained the charm of the original while bringing a new dimension of realism. This tool could prove very useful for research in cases where the original item is no longer available.

The recreated color image looks good 🧞🧞

Use Cases for DeepAI's Image Processing

The ability to colorize and enhance images has several practical applications, including:

- Historical Preservation: Reviving old photographs and documents for museums and archives.

- Entertainment: Enhancing black and white movies and TV shows for modern audiences.

- Marketing: Creating vibrant visuals from monochrome assets for advertisements and social media.

- Personal Projects: Bringing family photos to life with color, adding sentimental value.

DeepAI is proving to be an invaluable tool in the world of artificial intelligence. Its image enhancement and colorization capabilities demonstrate the potential of AI to transform and modernize visual content. We liked DeepAI capabilities, but a free trial version is limited to one image enhancement and after that the price is 4,99/month or 5$ per use.

Stay tuned for more explorations of AI tools and their applications in our upcoming newsletters. For now, visit DeepAI to experience these incredible capabilities firsthand.

Discover Jenny AI: Your Scientific Writing Assistant

In the fast-paced world of content creation, efficiency and precision are paramount. Enter Jenny AI, a groundbreaking tool designed to revolutionize the way professionals write. Whether you're a student, a professional writer, or simply someone who needs to draft reports, Jenny AI is your perfect assistant. In this article, we wanted to do a deep dive into how Jenny AI is used by professionals and scientists to enhance their writing.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Jenny AI

Step 1: Sign Up and Log In

- Sign Up: Visit the Jenny AI website and sign up for an account using your email or social media credentials. We used a Google account, and it was super easy.

- Log In: Once registered, log in to access the dashboard.

Step 2: Create a New Document

- New Document: Click on the "Create New Document" button to start.

- Template Selection: Choose from templates tailored for different writing needs, such as articles, essays, reports, and more. If you don’t want to use a template, you can create your own or skip this step and start writing.

Step 3: Set Up Your Preferences

- Tone and Style: Set the tone (formal, casual, technical) and style (persuasive, informative) according to your needs.

- Keywords and Phrases: Input any specific keywords or phrases you want to include in your text. You can type in just one word, but to get more precise results, it's best to describe what you want using as many keywords as possible. The bar below your text will suggest how well you’ve described your idea.

When you open Jenny AI, you are asked to give it your first prompt

Step 4: Draft Your Content

- AI Assistance: Start typing your content. Jenny AI provides real-time suggestions and corrections, enhancing grammar, style, and structure. You can keep or discard the text Jenny produces. If you want, all text can be cited with scientific references, which will be automatically listed at the end of the text.

If you feel stuck during writing, Jenny AI will try to help you and suggest how to proceed

- Content Generation: If you're stuck, use Jenny AI's content generation feature to get paragraphs or even full sections written for you based on your input prompts. You can give unlimited power to Jenny, and it will completely create the text you need, or you can type your text, and AI will help you add text if you are stuck. The second option is probably the best, as automatic text generation can still have some issues, and you always need to check what AI wrote.

When you list all your references, you can easily change the citation style, and Jenny will automatically update all references.

Step 5: Review and Edit

- Grammar and Spelling Check: Jenny AI automatically checks for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

- Readability: The tool also provides readability scores and suggestions to make your text clearer and more engaging.

After each text you produce in Jenny, all your sources will be kept in your library on the right side of your panel. You can create your collections and save your references.

Your reference list is found on the right side of the screen and can be exported or saved

Step 6: Export and Share

- Download: Once satisfied with your document, download it in your preferred format (Word, PDF, etc.). Or you can just copy-paste it into your word document on your computer.

- Share: Directly share your document via email or integrated platforms.

Best Use Cases for Jenny AI

1. Academic Writing

- Essays and Research Papers: Streamline the process of writing academic papers by getting help with structure, citations, and ensuring your content meets academic standards.

- Thesis and Dissertations: Jenny AI helps in organizing complex ideas and ensuring clarity in your thesis or dissertation.

2. Professional Writing

- Business Reports: Create detailed and well-structured business reports quickly.

- Emails and Communication: Draft professional emails with the right tone and clarity.

3. Content Creation

- Blog Posts and Articles: Generate high-quality blog posts and articles that engage your audience.

- Social Media Content: Craft compelling social media posts that capture attention and drive engagement.

4. Personal Writing

- Resumes and Cover Letters: Create polished and professional resumes and cover letters.

- Creative Writing: Get inspiration and assistance in writing novels, short stories, and other creative pieces.

Jenny AI offers a free trial with up to 200 words per day and various pricing tiers to suit different needs. Paid subscriptions start at $20 per month or $144 annually (saving 40%).

We would add that it is a good and useful tool, especially for saving time, but you need to know what input to give it. You should also be careful about the text it generates because mistakes still sneak in, especially with specific topics. It is also great for use with other tools, such as Consensus and Quillbot. Jenny AI is unique compared to other, more general AI text generators, and we would rate it 5/5 on the LMAI scale.

Start your AI journey today and experience the transformation in your writing process. Whether you're crafting a detailed report or drafting a quick email, Jenny AI is here to make your writing tasks easier, faster, and more efficient.

We tested yet another AI app for image generation: Is it worth it?

Does your work acquire some photos and animation? If you have any social media, the answer is probably YES. Or you want to make fun and captivating images to share with friends. So, we are not surprised that there are a variety of different AI tools that help you create interesting visuals. This week, we wanted to try out StarryAI.  AI art generator app lets you create interesting visuals from simple text descriptions. 

Signing Up:

Getting started with StarryAI is truly a breeze. You can download the app for free on iOS or Android, or you can use the web app at StarryAI. Signing up requires an email address or social media login. We decided to try out the desktop version. Once you sign up, you will be headed to a straightforward and user-friendly interface.

StarryAI offers a variety of AI tools for image editing

Case scenario: 

We decided to try out the Photos section and give it a quite simple prompt: Cute blond and blue eyes girl around 10 years old playing with the pug puppy on the green field with daisies. 

We first chose the Luna 3D style and hit generate. By signing in, we got 5 credits, and it said that each image generation uses 1 credit. Within minutes, we got our image—to be exact, 4 images for our prompt. Once generated, you can download them. It downloads them in a zip file. Here are two of the four different images we got. 

Version 1.

Version 2.

Then we decided to change the style to Luna's photo and generate the same prompt to see what StarryAI has to offer. Within minutes, we got four different images. Well, the first image was quite good, but the third one was a bit confusing. The girl's eyes were a bit too big and quite unrealistic, and we did not understand what was on the girl's right side of the image. It looked like it was supposed to be another dog, but the head was missing. 

The realistic version 1. was incredible

Realistic version 2 was great but had a problematic unrealistic section (dog on the right)

In the end, we tried the Anime Vintage style with the same prompt. Again, generation was quite fast. This time, images were quite similar, with no motion (like running), but they were quite good for the anime style. 

Version 1.

Version 2. Overall, the result was quite good. Not perfect, but good. 


  • Easy to Use: Perfect for beginners 

  • Diversity: Experiment with a vast library of artistic styles.

  • Free to Use: The basic features are free, with the option to upgrade for more creations and advanced options.


  • Limited Control: Compared to some competitors, StarryAI offers less control over the specific details of the generated image.

  • A bit inconsistent: Results can be inconsistent, with some prompts generating better results than others.

  • Pro price: After you try out the app, if you need more credits, you will need to pay to get the full experience. Unlimited Pro for $11.99 is quite high. 

    Price plans


Overall, we like StarryAI and what it has to offer. We like the fact that you can try it out for free. In our opinion, image quality varies depending on the chosen style and model. While it may not compete with top-tier AI art generators in hyper-realistic detail, its forte is creating unique and imaginative visuals. Photorealism is the weakest point of this app, but there are so many others to choose from if you need it. We give this app a 3/5 on the LMAI scale.  

Like Magic AI NFT 🏞️

Our master plan is to publish an NFT image in each newsletter and hand it out to our subscribers. The earlier you subscribe, the smaller the series are. It's a future collectible, a piece of digital art that captures the essence of this moment in time.

Thank you for being a valued subscriber. Together, let's embrace the magic of AI and creativity!

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