Is AI a fancy type of plagiarism? Not if used properly!

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I need help! What can I use to rewrite a text so that it is different enough to pass the plagiarism test?

Question from Anonymous on Reddit

There's an app called SpinRewriter that can be used to rewrite text content. So we decided to test it for you.  SpinRewriter focuses on rewriting content in a way that makes it appear original, which can be helpful for some SEO (Search Engine Optimization) purposes. To be clear, we are not suggesting that anyone attempt plagiarism, and please keep in mind this is punishable by law. But if you need to rewrite something, SpinRewriter is the tool for you. Here's a breakdown of its functionalities:

  • Rewrites content: SpinRewriter GOLD rewrites your text using synonyms and other paraphrasing techniques. This can be helpful if you need to create multiple versions of the same content, but it's important to note that the quality of the rewritten content can vary.

  • Different rewriting levels: The app allows you to choose from various rewriting levels, from conservative to more adventurous, allowing you to control how much the content is changed.

  • Some level of control over rewriting: You can specify keywords or phrases that you don't want to be rewritten, and you can also control how synonyms are chosen.

Getting started:

 If you don't have a SpinRewriter account yet, you can sign up for a free trial to test it out before committing to a paid plan. Here's how to do it:

  1. Visit the SpinRewriter website

  2. Click the button that says "Sign-up For Free" (it's usually located prominently on the homepage).

  3. You'll be directed to a signup form. Fill in the required information, which typically includes your email address, a password (twice for confirmation), and agreeing to their terms of service.

  4. Once you've filled out the form, click the button to submit your registration.

We love the free trial periods 😎😎

Keep in mind:

  • SpinRewriter offers a 5-day free trial, so you'll have a limited time to test out the software.

  • You'll usually need to provide your payment information (like PayPal) to verify your account for the free trial, but you won't be charged unless you forget to cancel before the trial ends.

  • After signing up, you can access SpinRewriter's tutorials to learn how to use the app effectively.

In SpinRewriter you can search through databases for specific content and use it.

Our case scenario:

After singing in, we watched a video tutorial provided by the founders. After that, we decided to give it a try. We used to fetch new article features. We decided to just put SEO as our keyword that we wanted to write about. After SpinRewriter offered us many different articles, we decided on SEO Elite Review: Check out SEO software ranking examples that have 2160 words.

We clicked rewrite paragraphs with AI. It was quite a long article with many paragraphs, so it took some time to rewrite it. This is an example of the results.

Original text from the article:

“  If you buy any SEO software or outsource your SEO to the SEO specialists: always check their SEO examples:
- are they ranking number 1
- are the keywords they rank for popular search keywords (bigger than 10.000 searches a month in the Keyword Selector Tool from Yahoo's search marketing is considered not too low)
- how long did it take them to be number 1
- how big is the competition for the keyword-phrase (smaller or bigger than 5 million? As a general rule : above 5 million keyword-phrase results in Google, things become though)
- how big is the competition for the quoted "keyword-phrase" (smaller or bigger than 33.000? As a general rule : above 33.000 quoted "keyword-phrase" results in Google, things become though)

 Variation 1

When investing in SEO software or hiring an SEO expert, it's essential to scrutinize their track record by examining their previous successes. Ask yourself: Do their examples showcase top-ranked results? Are the targeted keywords frequently searched, with a minimum of 10,000 searches per month according to Yahoo's Keyword Selector Tool? How long did it take them to achieve the top spot? What's the level of competition for the desired keyword phrase - is it relatively low, with fewer than 5 million results on Google, or extremely high, with over 5 million results? Additionally, consider the competition for the exact keyword phrase in quotes, where a threshold of 33,000 results or more on Google often indicates a highly competitive landscape.

 Variation 2

 When investing in SEO software or outsourcing to an SEO expert, it's essential to scrutinize their track record by examining their case studies. Verify whether they've achieved top rankings, and if so, assess the popularity of the keywords they're ranking for, ensuring they have a substantial search volume of at least 10,000 searches per month, according to Yahoo's Keyword Selector Tool. Additionally, investigate the timeframe it took them to reach the top spot and evaluate the level of competition for the target keyword phrase, considering factors such as the number of Google search results (with over 5 million indicating a highly competitive landscape) and the number of exact phrase matches (with over 33,000 indicating a challenging environment).

It did it quite fast, considering how long the article was. Does it do the job? Yes. But if you compare only the different variations provided, they are quite similar.

SOme of the variants offered by SpinRewriter

Another thing you can do is ask the app to rewrite articles and use synonyms. That also took a few minutes because the text is quite long.

After that is done, just click on the next step, where you can generate your unique article. After the article is finished, you can click “Humanize”. There is also an option to translate your text, and there are quite a few languages to choose from. (Since we are in Croatia, we looked for Croatian but did not find it.) You can also publish your text straight to WordPress, but you have to pay a bit more.

In our final article, the same paragraph was

„If yuo get any kind of SEO software application or outsource your search engine optimization to the search engine optimization experts: constantly check their search engine optimization instances:.
·  are they ranking number 1.

·  are the keyword phrases they rank for preferred search keyword phrases (larger than 10.000 searches a month in the Keyword phrase Selector Tool from Yahoo's search marketing is taken into consideration not as well low).

·  for how long did it take them to be number 1.

·  just how big is the competition for the keyword-phrase (smaller or bigger than 5 million? As a basic regulation: over 5 million keyword-phrase lead to Google, things become though).

·  exactly how large is the competition for the estimated "keyword-phrase" (smaller or bigger than 33.000? As a basic rule: above 33.000 priced quote "keyword-phrase" results in Google, things become though).


Well, SpinRewriter is quite good when it comes to the features that it offers. We had an impression that he did quite well in the paragraph-to-paragraph generation of new articles. Humanization puts some things like rewriting you to you, which is quite a typical human mistake to make. We salute the 5-day free trial and the fact that you can get it at a discounted price. It did save us a lot of time, but we still wanted to check the content because we believed that it needed real humans to check it In the end, do not forget that high-quality content is important to search engines. In our LMAI scale, we would rate it as 5/5. - Do More Faster with 1-Click AI

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Introducing Stable Diffusion: Your Gateway to AI-Powered Art

If you're like me and love staying ahead of the tech curve, then you're going to be thrilled about Stable Diffusion. This AI-powered tool is revolutionizing how we create visuals, making it easier than ever to generate stunning images from simple text prompts. Whether you’re a marketer, an artist, or just someone who loves cool tech, Stable Diffusion is a game-changer. Let's dive into what it is, how to get started, and some of the best use cases.

What is Stable Diffusion?

Stable Diffusion is an AI model that generates high-quality images based on textual descriptions. Imagine describing an image in your mind and then seeing it come to life on your screen. That’s the power of Stable Diffusion. It’s a tool designed for everyone—from digital artists and marketers to hobbyists—allowing you to create professional-grade visuals effortlessly.

Getting Started: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Visit the Stable Diffusion Website - Head over to [Stable Diffusion Web]( This is the official site where you can access the tool and start creating.

Step 2: Sign Up or Log In - You’ll need to create an account if you don’t have one. It’s a quick process—just provide your email, set a password, and you’re in.

Step 3: Choose a Plan - Stable Diffusion offers both free and paid plans. For starters, the free version is perfect. It provides enough functionality to get a feel for the tool without any upfront investment.

Step 4: Generate Your First Image

  1. Enter a Text Prompt: In the input box, describe the image you want to create. For example, type “Create a realistic photo of people in a work environment where all of them have no trousers. They are in their shorts from the waist down”.

  2. Select Settings: Adjust the settings if needed. You can choose different styles, resolutions, and more.

  3. Click Generate: Hit the generate button and watch the magic happen. In a few moments, your image will appear.

Step 5: Download and Share

Once your image is ready, you can download it directly to your computer. Share it on social media, use it in your projects, or just admire your creation!

NOTE: In our example, we received a note that Stable Diffusion thought we were trying to generate inappropriate content. It refused to generate people in the office environment in their shorts, but when asked to do it as line art, it did create it.

The line art created by SD based on our input.

Best Use Cases for Stable Diffusion

1. Marketing and Advertising

Create eye-catching visuals for your campaigns. Whether you need a unique banner for a Facebook ad or an engaging image for an Instagram post, Stable Diffusion can generate the perfect graphic in minutes.

2. Digital Art and Design

Artists and designers can use Stable Diffusion to brainstorm and create new artworks. It’s a fantastic tool for generating ideas, creating base images to build upon, or even producing final pieces.

3. Content Creation

Bloggers, writers, and content creators can generate unique images to accompany their articles and stories. This tool helps you avoid the hassle of finding stock photos and allows for more personalized and specific visuals.

Free vs. Paid Models

The free version of Stable Diffusion is great for personal use and small projects. It offers basic functionalities and allows you to create a limited number of images per month. Perfect for getting started and experimenting with the tool.

For professional use, the paid plans are where Stable Diffusion really shines. These plans offer advanced features, higher resolution outputs, faster processing times, and priority support. Pricing starts at around $15 per month, depending on the features you need.

Final thoughts

Stable Diffusion is on fire, and users love it. After this test, we can see why, and we can highly recommend it. It is a bit on the pricy side, taking into account that there are free tools, but we love that you can try it through the free version. In comparison to ChatGPT and Copilot Designer, we did not see a big upgrade in capabilities to justify paying for this additional tool. The main benefit is that you can easily adjust the image ratio (not really easily in others) and use a variety of resolutions. Stable Diffusion also has a number of additional free apps you can use. On the LMAI scale, we will give it 4.5/5.

Get creative, have fun, and let Stable Diffusion transform your ideas into reality!

Can AI access real-time data on the Internet?

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, the most feared was the ability to process and analyze real-time data from the Internet. Out of the fear of AI starting a new nuclear war, the first generations of AI models were confined to data they scraped at certain points in time. Well, now, new emerging models can access any link you provide. They still have limitations, but this opens up a lot of new capabilities that can be run in real time.

To assess how well some of the most popular AI tools—ChatGPT, Copilot, and Gemini—perform this task, we conducted a series of tests. The goal was to determine if these AI tools could access and analyze live data from a specified website and how they handled the task. Here's a detailed account of our findings.


We tested each AI tool with a simple task: analyze real-time data from an active website. The website chosen was our own newsletter site, which provided a constant stream of dynamic content. We evaluated each tool on several criteria:

  • Ability to access live data

  • Accuracy and detail of the analysis

  • Responsiveness to follow-up queries

ChatGPT: The Front-Runner

Initial Performance: ChatGPT excelled from the start. When asked to analyze the live data from our website, it accessed the information almost instantly. It provided a list of advice on how to make our newsletter even better. The level of detail and accuracy was impressive, demonstrating its strong connection to real-time data sources.

Follow-Up Queries: Upon probing further, ChatGPT continued to deliver. It could drill down into specifics or summarise all the data. This made it evident that ChatGPT not only accesses live data but also interprets it effectively, making it a powerful tool for real-time analysis.

Bing Copilot: A Close Contender with Hiccups

Initial Performance: Bing Copilot's initial response was less promising. When first asked to analyze the website, it provided a generic answer that did not address the live data. It seemed to avoid the specific task, offering instead a broad overview of newsletter advice without referencing real-time information.

Follow-Up Queries: However, upon a second request, Bing Copilot's performance improved significantly. When asked, it provided a summary of the website's articles. This indicates that while Bing Copilot can analyze live data, it will tend to provide more generalized answers. Once directed clearly, it will access and interpret the required data accurately.

Gemini: Falling Short

Initial and Follow-Up Performance: Gemini, on the other hand, failed to meet the expectations for real-time data analysis. When tasked with analyzing the website, it did not provide any live data. Instead, it apologized without accessing or interpreting the actual site data.

Overall Assessment: Gemini's inability to access and analyze real-time data suggests a significant limitation. For users requiring up-to-the-minute insights from live websites, Gemini currently does not appear to be a viable option.


In the battle of the AI giants, ChatGPT emerged as the clear leader in real-time data analysis from active websites. Its ability to access, interpret, and provide detailed insights from live data sets it apart from Bing Copilot and Gemini. Bing Copilot shows potential but needs more precise instructions to perform at its best, while Gemini falls short in this aspect altogether.

For businesses and individuals seeking robust AI tools for real-time data analysis, ChatGPT offers the most reliable and comprehensive solution. Bing Copilot can be a useful alternative with the right prompting, but Gemini currently does not support real-time data analysis needs effectively.

As AI technology continues to evolve, these tools will likely improve, making real-time data analysis more accessible and accurate. For now, ChatGPT and Bing Copilot stand out as the most capable and reliable options in this specific area.

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Our master plan is to publish an NFT image in each newsletter and hand it out to our subscribers. The earlier you subscribe, the smaller the series are. It's a future collectible, a piece of digital art that captures the essence of this moment in time.

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