AI-Powered Cold Emails: Unlocking 100,000 Leads 🌶️🧞🚀

AI is here to stay!

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It feels Like Magic

Hi fam!

This week’s newsletter covers key developments in AI and the evolving world of remote work. Google launched an AI-powered video editor, simplifying video production for creators of all levels. No-code AI tools are gaining traction, making AI development as easy as app building. Remote job platforms are booming, catering to the rising demand for flexible work. Studies show AI is now outperforming humans in repetitive tasks, while companies scramble to recruit AI talent amidst a shortage. Finally, cold email marketing is becoming highly efficient, with AI tools like SmartLead enabling businesses to scale outreach at minimal cost.

The future of AI feels Like Magic, and it’s here!

Quick jump through the newsletter:

This Week in AI and Remote Work

The AI landscape is evolving at a rapid pace, with new innovations and trends reshaping industries and job markets. From game-changing tools for content creators to predictions about the future of AI development and job platforms, we’ve gathered the latest updates you need to know. Here’s a quick roundup of what’s happening in AI and remote work:

AI Video Editing: Google Unveils AI-Powered Video Editor

Google has launched a new AI-driven video editor designed to make video production more accessible to users of all skill levels. With AI automating scene transitions, professional effects, and content-based edits, content creators can now produce high-quality videos faster and more efficiently. This marks a major step forward in democratizing creative tools for users across industries.
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Building AI Becomes Mainstream: The Future of No-Code AI Tools

Experts are predicting that in just a few years, building AI will be as easy as creating apps or websites today. With the rise of user-friendly, drag-and-drop AI tools, even those without technical knowledge will be able to customize AI systems for their specific needs. This shift is expected to dramatically lower barriers to entry in AI development, opening the field to innovators everywhere.
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Top Platforms for Finding Remote Jobs

If you're preparing for a remote career, there are several websites that can help you find your next job opportunity. These platforms specialize in remote job listings across various industries, providing tools to improve your applications and interviews. As the demand for remote work continues to grow, leveraging these sites can give you a competitive edge in the job market.
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AI Surpasses Human Efficiency in Basic Tasks

Recent studies show that AI systems are now outperforming humans in basic repetitive tasks, prompting calls for new benchmarks to assess AI capabilities. As AI continues to evolve rapidly, experts suggest a shift in focus toward more complex and nuanced tasks where human creativity and emotional intelligence still hold a significant edge.
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AI Talent in High Demand as Companies Race to Innovate

The demand for AI talent is surging as companies invest heavily in AI-driven solutions. However, a shortage of skilled professionals in roles like machine learning engineers and data scientists continues to challenge businesses. Organizations are turning to upskilling and reskilling programs to bridge this gap and meet their AI goals.
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How I Built a Cold Email Machine for $200/Month

Let me tell you a story.

A few years ago, I was talking to a friend who ran a digital marketing agency. He was scaling fast, but there was a problem: his sales team was burning out. Cold calling was inefficient, paid ads were getting too expensive, and he knew that somewhere out there was a better solution.

So I asked him a question: “Why aren’t you doing cold emails?”

His response: “Doesn’t that just end up in spam?”

The next day, I was on a mission. Could I hack the system and build a machine that could send out hundreds of thousands of cold emails, all while staying out of spam filters and costing next to nothing?

Turns out, you can. And not only that—you can scale it. I did not make this up; I also copied some smart people and twerked some things to make it work more efficiently with AI tools.

Let me show you how I built a cold email machine that sends 100,000 emails for $200/month. And the best part? You can copy this exact copied process. 🌶️🐇🐇🌶️

The Email Goldmine: A $200 Playbook

Step 1: You Will Need a few Domains

If you’re sending cold emails from one domain, you’re doing it wrong. Spam filters will tear you apart. I figured out the trick: you buy dozens of domains (I used GoDaddy). You need them to distribute your sending load across all these domains so none of them get flagged as spam.

Set up SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records (yeah, it sounds technical, but it’s necessary to keep your emails from being thrown in the trash). If you do not know how, just ask ChatGPT to help. Now, you have a little email empire to play with.

Step 2: Get the Right Inboxes

Next, you will needed email inboxes. I didn’t just want to use some free Gmail accounts—I needed inboxes that looked legitimate. So, I bought 20 Microsoft 365 accounts (about $9 each). Now, here’s where the numbers game comes in.

Each inbox can safely send about 30 cold emails per day without triggering alarms. Multiply that by 20 inboxes and—boom—you’re sending 600 emails a day. That’s over 18,000 emails a month with basically no risk.

Try SmartLead

Step 3: Automate With AI Tools

I didn’t have time to manually send 18,000 emails every month, so I turned to AI.

SmartLead and InstantAI are game-changers. These tools warm up your domains over 20-30 days, making sure your emails land in the inbox, not spam. They also automate the sending process, so once you’re ready, you’re sending thousands of emails daily without lifting a finger.

Ensure your emails are warmed up to avoid them being discarded

Step 4: Finding the Perfect Leads

So, where do you find all these people to email? Good question. I started using to scrape emails from company websites—targeting a specific industry. It is a bit pricy, and there are a lot of junk emails, but it is still worth it. Then, I got a bit more creative: Google Maps Scraping with Python. I literally pulled emails from businesses listed on Google Maps. If you are not handy at Python just hire someone on Fiverr. They’ll scrape, research, whatever you need to build that list. And it will cost $200-300.

Hunter is great to automate email harvesting

Step 5: Clean Your List

Here’s the thing: not all emails are created equal. Bad emails hurt your sender reputation and waste time. So, I used ZeroBounce to clean my email list. This made sure I was only sending to valid emails. ZeroBounce incorporates AI in its email validation and deliverability services. It uses a combination of machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence to analyze email addresses and predict their validity.

Step 6: Writing the Emails That Get Opened

You’ve probably heard this a million times: “Subject lines matter.” It’s true. A good subject line is like a golden key—if it sucks, no one opens your email.

For example, when I targeted HVAC companies, I sent emails with subject lines like:
“We helped XX company increase HVAC bookings by 25%—here’s how.”

Inside the email, I kept it simple:

  • First email: “Hey, we’ve helped similar businesses like yours. I’d love to show you how we could do the same for you.”

  • Second email: “We worked with [competitor], and here’s the revenue boost they saw.”

  • Third email: “Let’s jump on a call for 10 minutes. If you don’t see the value, I’ll leave you alone.”

Three emails, short and sweet. No fluff. And guess what? People respond. Because no one wants to miss out on a good offer. Just make it a no-brainer!🥳🥳

The Results? One Client Paid for the Whole Thing.

I’ll be honest with you—it wasn’t long before I got some real traction. After sending a few thousand emails, I booked a call with a small HVAC company that needed help with Google Ads. And HVAC market is something I am trying to get into for some time now.

They signed a deal for $1,500/month. Boom. That one client paid for my entire cold email system for several months. And I still had 99,000 more emails to find customers.

You’ll be in the inbox of thousands of potential clients without breaking the bank or wasting your time. That’s leverage. That’s scaling.


Need a quick educational video or tutorial? No need to worry; you can create it within minutes

 Do you have a new colleague arriving at your firm, and you need him to get on board as quickly as possible, and you do not have time to demonstrate every step of the way over and over again? Do not have to worry, you can create a large volume of videos quickly and efficiently and have video tutorial ready without hassle. Well, with a little help of AI, you can share your knowledge quickly and efficiently with the tool that we tried out this week. It is Guidde.  A really powerful generative AI platform designed to revolutionize the way businesses create and manage video documentation. By automating many of the time-consuming tasks involved in video production, Guidde can save time and get every new colleague onboard within minutes. Guidde is well-suited for teams involved in:

  • Training and onboarding

  • Knowledge sharing

  • Product demonstrations

  • Marketing and sales

  • Customer support

Guidde offers really cool features

Well with Guidde you can make tutorials easy as blink of an eye. Guidde's AI engine generates e scripts based on your input, saving time and effort. You can shoot videos on your computer without hassle and it also provides a centralized hub for storing and organizing your video ensuring easy access and collaboration whenever you need it.  Guidde also offers detailed analytics, helping you measure ROI and optimize your content strategy.

You can capture your workflow without any hassle

Overall,  Guidde is a great tool that many different businesses can use and save the time to  document their workflow process. Its AI-powered features, automation capabilities, and integration with existing tools make it a valuable asset for teams of all sizes. Guide offers free version where you get the sense of everything this tool has to offer. But if you need the really powerful video tutorial maker, you might consider the paid version. 

Guidde offers different types of payment based on your needs

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