AI-Powered Hustles: Turning AI Ideas into Income 🌶️🧞

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AI is Supercharging Your WordPress and Divi Sites 🐝🚀

Hey friends,

So you’ve got a WordPress site; maybe you’re even rocking the Divi theme (smart move, by the way). But here’s the thing: if you’re not using AI to power up your web game, you’re leaving a ton of value on the table. We’re talking about next-level cool here—like Iron Man without the suit vs. Iron Man with the suit. The difference is night and day. Divi AI is killing it at web design and will make your life a whole lot easier. If you are in the process of building a website and need to set it up quickly, WordPress and Divi AI combo is your thing. Divi AI does come with a price, but it will pay itself off in multiple ways.

The best thing about Divi is that it is just beautifully designed

Why Divi AI is a Game-Changer

First off, let’s talk about why Divi AI matters. We all know that web design can be a time-suck. From brainstorming layouts to tweaking CSS, it’s easy to get lost in the weeds. Divi AI steps in to make your life easier, your designs sharper, and your workflow faster.

  1. Automated Design Suggestions: Divi AI can give you design suggestions based on your existing content and brand style. It’s like having a professional designer sitting next to you, nudging you in the right direction.

  2. Content Creation on Steroids: No more staring at blank pages. Divi AI can generate content, recommend layouts, and even optimize images for you. It’s like having a team of creatives at your disposal 24/7.

  3. Smart Personalization: Every visitor is unique, so why should they all see the same thing? Divi AI helps you personalize experiences based on user behavior, making your site feel custom-tailored for each person who visits.

If you are just starting, you could also try to let AI fully generate a unique website for you. Or select a template and let AI help you get it up and running.

Here’s How Divi AI Can Transform Your Web Design Process

1. AI-Powered Content Generation

We’ve all been there—blank page syndrome. Whether you’re crafting a blog post, a product description, or a catchy headline, Divi AI’s content generation feature has your back. Just give it a prompt, and it’ll generate engaging copy that’s ready to go.

Use Case: Say you’re building a landing page for a new product launch. Divi AI can generate the headline, body text, and even suggest relevant images based on the keywords you provide. It’s like having a content writer in your pocket, speeding up your workflow and ensuring everything is cohesive.

2. Instant Design Ideas with AI Suggestions

Stuck on what layout to use? Divi AI analyzes your existing content and brand style to suggest layouts that just work. These aren’t random ideas—they’re tailored to your site’s vibe and audience.

Use Case: You’ve got a bunch of testimonials but aren’t sure how to display them. Divi AI can suggest different layouts—carousel, grid, or even a dynamic quote display. Just pick the one that resonates with you, and boom—you’re done.

3. AI-Driven Image Optimization

Visuals are a huge part of web design, but optimizing them can be a hassle. Divi AI automatically adjusts your images for speed and clarity without sacrificing quality. Plus, it can suggest images that align with your content.

Use Case: Let’s say you’re adding a new blog post. Divi AI can scan the text and suggest images that would work well with it, pulling from your library or recommending new ones. It even optimizes the images for fast loading times, which is crucial for user experience and SEO.

4. Smart Personalization for Dynamic Content

This is where things get really cool. Divi AI can create dynamic content that changes based on who’s visiting your site. Whether it’s adjusting the CTA, changing the images, or showing different content blocks, your site becomes a living, breathing entity.

Use Case: Imagine a visitor who’s been to your site before and spent time on your pricing page but didn’t convert. The next time they visit, Divi AI could show them a special discount or a limited-time offer to nudge them over the line. This kind of smart personalization can significantly increase your conversion rates.

Divi Ai lets you generate text fast and it knows best what generic content goes where

5. Effortless A/B Testing with AI Insights

A/B testing is essential, but it can be tedious. Divi AI automates this process by suggesting variations to test and even predicting which version will perform better based on user data.

Use Case: You’re testing two versions of a landing page. Divi AI not only helps you create the variations but also tracks performance in real time and suggests tweaks to improve conversion rates. It’s like having a data scientist on your team without the hefty salary.

Wrapping Up: Why You Should Dive Into Divi AI Today

Here’s the bottom line: Divi AI isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a must-have if you’re serious about building standout websites. It’s your design assistant, content creator, and data analyst all rolled into one. Whether you’re a solopreneur or running a full-blown agency, Divi AI can take your projects from good to game-changing. And it just looks beautiful! 🦄 We give Divi AI a 5/5 in the LMAI scale because it is supremely useful and beside a hefty price it is worth it.

So, if you haven’t started using Divi themes for WordPress yet, now’s the time. Get in there, experiment, and watch your productivity soar. Your clients (and your bottom line) will thank you.

Stay awesome,

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Do you like koalas? You will like even more đŸ¨đŸ¨đŸ¨

Every day, more and more people are interested in increasing productivity with less effort. Even if you are not an AI wizard, there are so many useful tools online that can help you boost your productivity, leaving you with more free time. So, if you are one of our subscribers, you know that we are all in when it comes to testing and reviewing AI tools. This week, we decided to try out KoalaWriter AI. We have read some of the reviews that put KoalaWriter AI in first place in SEO writing tools. KoalaWriter AI is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps content creators generate, edit, and refine text. It's designed to save time and improve the quality of your writing. It can be used for various tasks, such as writing blog posts, marketing copy, or even fiction. It is a tool that content writers, freelancers, and even agencies can find pretty useful. 

Cute as Koala

KoalaWriter AI  uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) technology to understand and generate text, and the great thing is that it can be used in personal and professional writing tasks.  KoalaWriter AI also offers features like KoalaImages, help with creating magnets, and even Koala chat. There is a free version that you can try out and, afterward, decide if you want to join. 

Case scenarios: 

First off, we wanted to try out KoalaImage. We gave it a simple prompt to create a robot with a data background. Within seconds, the result came, and it was quite good. 

Resulting image from KoalaImage

After that, we wanted to try out the SEO writing tool. Before generating an article, Koala AI prompts you to complete a form that includes the article type, target keyword, tone of voice, language, and country that you want to target. And choose wheter you want it to create images as well. We gave it the subject we wanted to deal with and let Koala do it’s magic. In a pretty short time, the article was done with illustrations, text, headlines, and even with YouTube embeds.

Results are given across media (text, image and metadata)

The article itself is quite good with everything needed for SEO optimizations. But still, when we took the parts of the text and ran it through an AI detector, it stated that it was 100% AI-written. The tone and information were quite good, but still, you need a human touch. 


We think that KoalaWriter AI is one of the best SEO tools that we tried out. We love the simplicity and speed that it offers, as well as embedding relevant video. We give it a high 4.5 out of 5 on our LMAI scale. If you need a powerful SEO assistant, you sign up for a paid version and type DUSAN for a 15% discount. Sounds good, right? We love koalas, but this Koala made us love it even more. 

Start a Website design Business Using AI: Build Websites, Make Bank, and Do It All in Less Time

Let’s talk business ideas now (as I always love to) — specifically, how to use AI to build a profitable business with minimal time and effort. Imagine this: you’re cruising the web, and you stumble upon a website that looks like it’s from 1999. The company behind it might be solid, but their digital presence is screaming, “Help me!”

Now, what if you could turn this into a business? It’s simpler than you think, especially when you’ve got AI tools in your arsenal. Let’s break it down.

The Idea: Cold-Email Companies with Horrible Websites

Step one is spotting the opportunity. Thousands of businesses out there have outdated, clunky websites that are dragging them down. However, owners and CEOs are frequently overwhelmed with daily business operations, and web redesign perpetually remains on hold. Alternatively, if you run a small service business (blue collar), you may not recognize the significant amount of traffic that the web generates nowadays! What if you reached out to these companies and offered to revamp their sites? What if you showed them the traffic data? The pitch is simple:

  • Step 1: Send a cold email or do a cold call asking why their site looks like it’s stuck in the past (but be nice and considerate).

  • Step 2: Gently explain that it’s not representing their brand well.

  • Step 3: Offer to build them a sleek, easy-to-manage website for a set price. If they like it, they can buy it from you. If not, no hard feelings.

Let’s dive into the numbers and tools you’ll need.

Scenario 1: The Budget-Friendly Option (500 USD/EUR)

Tools to Use:

Cost Breakdown:

  • Bookmark/10Web/Webador Subscription: $120/year (average)

  • Canva Pro: $120/year

  • Domain Registration: $10/year

  • Hosting (if not included): $60/year

Total Annual Costs: $310

Selling Price: $500 per website

Profit: $190 per website
Profit Margin: 61%

Time Investment:

  • Learning the Tools: 1 week, max. These platforms are designed to be user-friendly, with drag-and-drop features that make them easy to master.

  • Building Each Website: 4-5 hours

Annual Profit Calculation:
Let’s say you build and sell just 1 website per week:

  • Weekly Profit: $190

  • Annual Profit: $9,880

That’s nearly $10k in profit for what amounts to about 5 hours of work each week. Not bad, right? And you do not need to be a genius.

Scenario 2: The Premium Option (1000 USD/EUR)

Tools to Use:

  • Website Platform: WordPress with Divi AI

  • Design: Canva (again, because it’s awesome)

Cost Breakdown:

  • Divi AI + WordPress Subscription: $250/year (including premium plugins and themes)

  • Canva Pro: $120/year

  • Domain Registration: $10/year

  • Premium Hosting: $100/year

Total Annual Costs: $480

Selling Price: $1,000 per website

Profit: $520 per website
Profit Margin: 52%

Time Investment:

  • Learning the Tools: 2-3 weeks. WordPress and Divi are more complex than drag-and-drop builders, but once you’ve got the hang of them, the possibilities are endless. Read our previous article on Divi AI.

  • Building Each Website: 8-10 hours

Annual Profit Calculation:
Let’s say you sell 1 website every two weeks:

  • Biweekly Profit: $520

  • Annual Profit: $13,520

Here, you’re looking at over $13k in profit for a bit more time investment, but with the added flexibility and power of WordPress.

The Bottom Line: Why This Business Idea Rocks

Here’s why this business model is a winner:

  1. Low Overhead: Your main costs are subscriptions and time. Once you’re up and running, the margins are solid. You can also start by taking first clients with a 50% cost downpayment, and then you are risk-free.

  2. Scalable: Whether you go budget-friendly or premium, you can scale this business as big as you want. As you get better and faster with the tools, you can take on more clients or even hire freelancers to do the building for you. And you can do this from anywhere with just a computer. Ever dreamed of becoming a digital nomad? 🌶️🚀🚀

  3. High Demand: There’s a never-ending supply of companies that need better websites. And with AI, you can churn out professional sites that make your clients wonder why they didn’t hire you sooner.

  4. Time Efficient: Even if you’re busy, you can manage this as a side hustle. Once you’ve learned the tools, the time investment is minimal—especially for the return you’re getting.

Wrapping It Up

So, if you’re looking to start a side hustle or even a full-blown business, this is a killer idea. You’re using AI to do the heavy lifting, you’re solving a real problem for businesses, and you’re making a profit while doing it. Plus, you don’t need to be a tech wizard to pull this off—just someone who’s willing to learn and hustle.

Time to stop overthinking and start building. Who’s in?

Stay hungry!

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