AI is integrated in many tools you already use

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When AI takes over your job!

Work lesser & drive 10x more impact using AI

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: A Power-packed workshop (worth $199) for FREE and learn 20+ AI tools to become 10x more efficient at your work.

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In this workshop you will learn how to: 

✅ Simplify your work and life using AI

✅ Do research & analyze data in seconds using AI tools

✅ Automate repetitive tasks & save 10+ hours every week

✅ Build stunning presentations & create content at lightning speed

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If you just joined AI revolution, read these articles first

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Question of the day!

Introducing Google Gemini: A Powerful and Versatile AI Model

Recently, a few people asked us about Google Gemini's AI text generator and how good it is compared to ChatGPT and MS Copilot. We gave a free version a try, and it seems good and fast, but it is still behind ChatGPT and Copilot.

Gemini is a family of large language models (LLMs) designed to handle complex tasks and integrate seamlessly with various applications. It's Google's most advanced AI model yet, capable of understanding and processing information across different formats like text, code, audio, images, and video.

What Can You Do with Gemini?

Gemini's capabilities can be applied to various fields. Here are some examples:

  • Content Creation: Generate different creative text formats, translate languages, and write different kinds of content.

  • Image interpretation: We uploaded an image with text and asked it to read it and summarise it (see the result below 👇).

  • Research and Education: Analyze complex data, answer your questions in an informative way, and generate different creative text formats to help you learn.

  • Software Development: Translate code, write different kinds of creative text formats to help you code, and debug code.

What it can not do

We tried other small tasks with Gemini, and the results were poor or none:

  • Image generation: We asked it to generate an image. It only apologized and said it could not create an image yet.

  • Text comparison and summarising: We asked Gemini to create a web article about an AI subject based on its general data and to combine it with another article we pasted as text. For some reason, it was not possible to combine them.

How to Use Gemini

Gemini is still under development, but there are ways to interact with it:

  1. Google Search: Gemini helps power Google Search, providing more informative and comprehensive results.

  2. Google One Subscription: The "AI Premium" tier of Google One offers access to Gemini Advanced with Ultra 1.0 for specific tasks.

  3. Future Applications: As Gemini continues to develop, expect it to be integrated into various Google products and services.

Gemini holds immense potential for various applications. Its ability to understand and process information across different formats makes it a valuable tool for various tasks. It seems faster to generate answers than other competitors, as right after the prompt is asked, an answer appears almost immediately. Gemini, like ChatGPT, can work in the background, while Copilot requires you to stay on the page while it is generating answers. Google offers Gemini Advanced for €22.99/month with first 2 months free.

As Gemini continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative use cases to emerge, and we are looking forward to new plugins that will bring new capabilities. We would rate it as 3/5 on LMAI scale because we would expect more from Google.

A simple tip a day, keeps the boss away!

How is Adobe integrating AI into its tools, and how to use them?

If you use Adobe tools, you will be happy to see that they have taken AI integration into their software seriously. Most tools, such as Acrobat, Photoshop, Premiere, InDesign, etc., already have AI features that will make your job easier. These features will enhance your creative workflows, simplify complex processes, and produce stunning results with unprecedented ease. Here’s a deep dive into how you can leverage AI features in Adobe tools, complete with practical use cases.

Adobe AI Assistant for Acrobat

The AI Assistant for Acrobat is a generative AI document and PDF tool that simplifies information extraction and enhances productivity. Here’s how you can use it:

  • Quick Answers: Chat with your document! Ask questions related to your content, and the AI Assistant will provide quick answers linked to sources primarily from your document. Use these responses to craft emails, presentations, and more, sounding like an expert in seconds.

  • Generative Summaries: Save time by generating one-click summaries. The AI Assistant automatically pulls out key points from lengthy PDFs, helping you navigate complex content and find important information faster.

Use Cases:

  • Sales Research and Prospecting: Learn about your prospects quickly, making sales meetings more effective.

  • Industry Reports and Insights: Summarize industry reports, gain deeper insights, and draft recaps for your team.

  • Study Guides: Generate study guides that you can refine for your specific needs.

Adobe Experience Platform

Adobe Experience Platform leverages AI capabilities powered by Adobe Sensei to personalize digital experiences. Here are some key use cases:

  • Intelligent Re-engagement: Use AI to re-engage users who have interacted with your brand before, tailoring content to their preferences and behavior.

  • Don’t Lose Campaigns: Prevent customer churn by identifying at-risk users and delivering targeted messages to retain them.

  • Customer Conversion Optimization: Optimize conversion rates by analyzing user behavior and adjusting marketing strategies accordingly.

  • Contextual Recognition: Understand user context (such as location, device, and behavior) to deliver relevant content.

  • One-Time Value to Lifetime Value: Predict customer lifetime value based on initial interactions and tailor experiences accordingly.

Adobe Creative Cloud AI Features

Adobe’s Creative Cloud suite includes various AI-powered features across tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro. Here are some real-world use cases:

  • E-commerce Product Photography: Streamline product photography workflows using AI tools to enhance image quality and automate repetitive tasks.

  • Social Media and Digital Marketing: Create visually stunning content for campaigns by leveraging AI features in Photoshop and other Adobe tools.

  • Concept Art and Storyboarding: AI can assist artists in generating ideas, refining sketches, and creating storyboards.

  • Architecture and Interior Design: Use AI to visualize architectural designs, simulate lighting, and optimize layouts.

  • Fashion and Apparel Design: AI can help designers with pattern recognition, color suggestions, and fabric simulations.

Adobe Photoshop: AI-Driven Image Editing Magic

Photoshop has long been the go-to software for photo editing, but its AI-powered features now make it even more potent. The 'Content-Aware Fill' tool is a standout, utilizing AI to analyze the content of a photo and help you remove unwanted elements seamlessly, filling in the gaps with a plausible background.

This feature is perfect for photographers and designers who need to clean up backgrounds or remove objects from scenes without manually cloning or patching the image.

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premiere Pro: Smart Video Editing

For video editors, Adobe Premiere Pro offers 'Adobe Sensei,' Adobe’s AI. It speeds up labor-intensive editing tasks, allowing you to focus on the creative aspects of your projects. The 'Auto Reframe' feature is particularly useful, as it uses AI to automatically reframe and resize your videos for different social media platforms, maintaining the focal point and key elements in the frame without manual adjustment. This tool is invaluable for marketers and content creators who need to tailor videos for multiple platforms.

Adobe Illustrator: AI-Enhanced Graphic Design

Illustrator’s AI capabilities shine with the 'Auto-Trace' feature, which allows users to convert raster images like photographs into vector graphics with just a few clicks. This tool is a boon for graphic designers who need to create scalable logos from sketches or digitize hand-drawn art efficiently. Additionally, Illustrator’s 'Color Theme' tool uses AI to suggest color palettes based on an uploaded image, facilitating a cohesive design scheme.

Adobe Lightroom: AI for Photography

Lightroom uses AI to enhance photo editing, particularly through its 'Enhance Details' feature, which improves the quality of raw images by interpreting and enhancing intricate details and colors. This is especially beneficial for photographers looking to bring out the best in their shots without spending hours on manual adjustments. Lightroom’s AI also aids in sorting and tagging photos by recognizing scenes, objects, and even faces, which drastically speeds up the organization process.

Adobe XD: AI in User Experience Design

Adobe XD, tailored for UX/UI designers, incorporates AI to streamline the design process. The 'Repeat Grid' feature allows designers to duplicate items such as lists or galleries and automatically adjusts the spacing and alignment, ensuring consistency with minimal effort. Additionally, AI-powered plugins in Adobe XD can predict user flows and suggest improvements, making it easier to design intuitive user interfaces.

Adobe Illustrator

By embracing AI features in Adobe tools, you can push the boundaries of what's possible in your creative projects, turning visions into reality with more precision and efficiency than ever before. At LMAI, we love to see established players like Adobe accepting the AI revolution, adding tools to their portfolio, and adding barriers to entry for new AI competitors. So, whatever generation you belong Adobe's AI tools are designed to enhance your abilities and inspire your creativity.

Like Magic AI NFT 🏞️

Our master plan is to publish an NFT image in each newsletter and hand it out to our subscribers. The earlier you subscribe, the smaller the series are. It's a future collectible, a piece of digital art that captures the essence of this moment in time.

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