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Can I use AI to create YouTube videos and earn money?

Question from Anonymous on LinkedIn

We have dug through our list of AI tools and found you a simple recipe for creating captivating videos on any subject that can bring in hundreds of views. The best thing is that you do not even need to show your face.


Let's dive into how you can leverage AI to create captivating content and achieve success on YouTube by following the steps below:

Copy.ai offers a variety of tools

  1. Generate a Script with AI: Start by choosing a very successful video on a subject you want to talk about and feed its URL into a transcription tool like Copy.ai. Ask in Chat something like, “Write me a voiceover text on subject XXX, on the basis of this video https:/youtube.com/notareallink.” Let the magic of AI create a new voiceover script tailored to your niche effortlessly.

  2. Customize and Refine: Tweak the generated script to align with your style and messaging. Make it unique and engaging to captivate your audience. Here you can add your value, not to be a copycat.

  3. Bring Your Vision to Life: Utilize tools like CapCut for video editing and incorporate high-quality visuals from platforms like Pixels.com or Storyblocks to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your content. Use text created by Copy.ai as voiceover.

  4. Embrace AI, Enhance Creativity: Remember, AI is here to complement, not replace, human creativity. Use it to streamline your content creation process and explore new creative avenues without the need for on-camera appearances.

  5. Experiment and Innovate: Leverage AI-backed techniques to innovate and experiment with your content. Stay ahead of the curve and stand out in the vast realm of video creators.

Use CapCut to create a video and give it your text as a voiceover

By following these steps and incorporating AI into your video creation strategy, you can unleash your creativity, boost engagement, and unlock new possibilities for success. You can go ahead and create a specific niche YouTube or TikTok channel and talk about subjects you really like. If you start to gain traction, then you can run it as a small side hustle beside your “day job” and just earn some extra cash. And then work on growing it into a full business.

Learn AI in 5 Minutes a Day

AI Tool Report is one of the fastest-growing and most respected newsletters in the world, with over 550,000 readers from companies like OpenAI, Nvidia, Meta, Microsoft, and more.

Our research team spends hundreds of hours a week summarizing the latest news, and finding you the best opportunities to save time and earn more using AI.

A simple tip a day, keeps the boss away!

Expand the Power of ChatGPT with Plugins and Add-ons

The main problem with AI is that people still do not realize all that can be done with it and how they can use it in their line of work. LMAI is dedicated to showing you the little tips and tricks and making you the AI wizard.

Here we delve into the exciting world of available ChatGPT plugins! As the landscape of artificial intelligence continues to evolve, so too does the functionality of chat interfaces. ChatGPT has expanded its capabilities beyond basic text responses to incorporate a variety of plugins and add-ons, enhancing user interaction and utility. Let’s explore some of these innovative features and their real-world applications.

Go to ChatGPT and click on Explore GPTs

 1. Browser Plugin

- What it does: The Browser plugin allows ChatGPT to browse the internet in real-time, fetching up-to-date information, checking live data, and even shopping online. This opens a myriad of possibilities for users needing the most current information.

- Use case: A user planning a trip could ask ChatGPT to find the best flights, check the weather forecast for the destination, and even book hotels, all within the same conversation thread.

 2. DALL-E Plugin

- What it does: This plugin empowers ChatGPT to create images based on user descriptions. Leveraging OpenAI’s DALL-E model, it can generate unique visuals from textual prompts, providing a tool for creativity and visual content generation.

- Use case: Marketing professionals could use this feature to quickly generate digital ads, social media content, or even visual concepts for campaigns directly from a brief description.

 3. Code Interpreter Plugin

- What it does: This add-on enhances ChatGPT’s ability to understand and write code by executing it in real-time, providing immediate feedback and results. It supports multiple programming languages, making it a versatile tool for developers and students alike.

- Use case: A developer working on a project can use ChatGPT to debug pieces of code, learn new programming techniques, or even as a coding tutor, providing live examples and explanations.

 4. Language Translator Plugin

- What it does: With this plugin, ChatGPT can translate text between multiple languages, supporting global communication and learning. This feature is particularly useful in a world where businesses and communities are increasingly multilingual.

- Use case: Companies operating in multiple countries can use ChatGPT to instantly translate communications, documents, and even provide real-time support to customers in various languages.

 5. Custom Plugins

- What it does: ChatGPT supports custom plugins developed by users to meet specific needs. These plugins can be tailored for unique applications, integrating seamlessly with personal or business workflows. If you want to make your own GPT click on “+Create” in the upper right corner.

- Use case: A healthcare provider might develop a custom plugin that helps triage patient inquiries based on symptoms described to ChatGPT, directing them to the appropriate care based on urgency and type of issue.

 The integration of plugins and add-ons in ChatGPT is transforming the way we interact with AI, making it a more powerful tool in our daily digital interactions. From real-time information retrieval and visual content creation to code execution and multilingual support, these features are not just enhancing the user experience but also broadening the scope of what AI can achieve. Whether you're a business looking to streamline operations or an individual seeking to boost productivity, the expanding suite of ChatGPT plugins and add-ons offers something for everyone. Embrace these new capabilities and unlock the potential of enhanced AI interaction!

99% more efficiency

Automate Time Consuming Tasks: AI is scripting, you use it

READ THIS: If you are like me, just the mention of “Python” or “script” scares you, and you just wish to say, “I have no programming knowledge.” And scroll on! But I dare you to read this as AI has made the process simple, and one simple script, generated in seconds, can save you days of work.

I am the same, and I have no coding knowledge, but I do have a bunch of boring, repetitive tasks that waste my work hours. What if you also could complete hours of monotonous work in just a few seconds? With AI, you can! You can use Copilot or ChatGPT to help you write code to automate tasks, making your workday a breeze. Let’s look into two simple scenarios of how to use AI to generate a few lines of code that can do your task in seconds.

Step-by-Step Guide to Email Cross-Referencing

Step 1: Define the task

I wanted to create a script that will look through a list of 3000 email addresses ( ‘check.csv’) I want to add to my contact list (I have them exported in .csv) and cross-reference them with my existing contact list (exported from Gmail in .csv format). Logically, there are two tasks here: 1) Export all unique emails from my contact list, and 2) compare two lists and output all new unique emails.

The first script was intended just to output all unique emails from all other contact data

Step 2: Set Up Your Environment

Copilot indicates that it created the script in Python (in my case), so before I started, I installed Python on my computer (it is free). Python is a versatile programming language, and probably you’ll also use it to run your scripts. For easier use, I also downloaded the PyCharm IDE tool for easier management of Python files. Free version of PyCharm was enough for this task.

Step 3: Export all unique emails from my contact list

Make a new folder on your computer and place a .csv file with all of your existing contact data as ‘input.csv’ and create a new empty file, ‘extracted_emails.csv’ where Python will save a list of unique emails. I created the file in Notepad as “.txt” and just renamed it to “.csv”. Create another file in Notepad called “Script 1.txt” and copy the script that Copilot created into it. Rename it to “Script 1.py” (Python file) so PyCharm can read it. Open PyCharm and go to the “Open” tab in the browser scroll to your Script 1.py file and open it. When the script is opened, click “Run,” and the task will be performed. In my case, it transferred all unique emails to the new file ‘extracted_emails.csv’.

Step 4: Compare two lists and output all new unique emails

In the second task we want to find unique emails in the checklist that aren’t in the source list and save them to a new file. In the new folder, I placed the file ‘extracted_emails.csv’ and renamed it to ‘input.csv’ (because Copilot attributed new names in the script). In the same folder, I placed the ‘check.csv’ containing a list of additional emails that need to be cross checked (if they are already in my contact list). All emails that are not already on my contact list (‘input.csv’) will be added by Python to the output file ‘output.csv’, and I can import them directly to my contacts in Gmail.

The second script takes all emails from one file and checks if they are already in another. If not, they are exported to a new file.

And that is it. We have done it 😮😎🕺. Your first script in Python.

Automatically create 100 folders named based on my list

This second example you can try by yourself and it does not even require Python.

I wanted Copilot to create a simple script I can use to create 100 new folders named based on a list of 100 emails I have on my list (I will add a list ‘output.csv’ from the previous example). I need these folders to keep track of documents exchanged with our customers.

Copilot: “Below is a simple batch script that you can use in a .bat file on Windows to create folders based on a list of email addresses. You’ll need to replace the names.csv with the actual path to your file containing the email addresses.”You’ll need to save this script with a .bat extension and run it in the directory where your CSV file is located.

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

:: Assuming the names are in the first column of 'names.csv'
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=," %%a in (names.csv) do (
  set "folderName=%%a"
  if not exist "!folderName!" (
    mkdir "!folderName!"

echo Folders have been created based on the names list.

“The script assumes that the names are in the first column of the CSV file. If they are in a different column, you’ll need to adjust the tokens=1 parameter accordingly.”

This script will create a new folder for each name in your list, provided the names do not contain any characters that are invalid for folder names in Windows. If they do, you’ll need to add additional logic to sanitize the folder names. Remember to place the .bat file in the same directory as yours.csv file for it to work correctly.

Conclusion: Empower Your Productivity

With Copilot, you’re not just writing code; you’re crafting solutions to real-world problems. You have tried two small projects, but these scripts are just the beginning. Now, go and try some of your own ideas, and you will see your productivity skyrocket 🚀🚀.


by LikeMagicAI.com
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